Wednesday, February 1, 2012


How hard is it to rinse off your dish after you use it?  I'm not asking them to wash it or even put it in the dishwasher.  Just rinse off the ding dang things!  I spend way too much time scrubbing dried on food off  dishes.  Way more time than it would take to just rinse it off in the first place.  I've asked them, multiple times to PLEASE do this one simple thing for me.  It lasts a day, maybe two, and then they're back to their old ways.  Sitting dishes NEXT to the sink, instead of in it.  With cereal flakes clinging to the side of the bowl.  Remnants of last nights dinner on a fork.  A plate on top of another plate and now they're stuck together.  And so I scrub and scrub, trying to remove the mess.  Do you recognize this as your life?  Do you have things in your life that you just set off to the side?  Letting it pile up and dry on?  Is God constantly trying to scrub you clean but you insist on going back to your old ways?  Are you letting the remnants of your past build up until it seems too difficult to face?
I ask you, why?  Even if you have to ask *everyday* for forgiveness for the *same* thing, just keep doing it.  Just keep rinsing off your past sins and allow God to let you start over clean everyday.  Eventually it will become habit and you will see that you have let the past go while learning from it.  Your past is like a dirty dish sitting next to the sink.  Looking at it everyday and being ashamed isn't getting it clean.  Only God can scrub it clean - you just have to put it in the sink!!  Love to all!!

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